The Salvation Army could not continue to Do The Most Good without help from people like you. Your donations help make our work possible. Gifts of money help us provide many of life's basic necessities for those in need. Gifts of material goods provide work therapy for people in substance abuse recovery programs. Gifts of time help us maintain adequate facilities and enable us to reach out to even more people.

In addition to regular monetary donations, we welcome your gifts of stocks or mutual funds, IRA rollovers, and real estate.

Help the working poor at no cost to you!

The state of Arizona offers a dollar for dollar tax credit when you donate to The Salvation Army. Individuals can donate up to $200 and couples up to $400. Please call (602) 369-7521 to process your donation by December 31.

To make a monetary donation with your credit card, simply click on the "Make A Gift" tab at the top of this page. Or you can call (602) 267-4105. If you would like to send a check, please make it payable to The Salvation Army and mail it to:

The Salvation Army
Southwest Divisional Headquarters
P.O. Box 52177
Phoenix, AZ 85072

Your gift, whether large or small, will help make a difference in YOUR community.